100 7″ Inch 450g Gauge Vinyl Plastic Outer Record Sleeves

100 7" Inch 450g Gauge Vinyl Plastic Outer Record Sleeves


As a fellow collector, these Gazzsrecords record sleeves are going to be great for your collection as we use them on a dally basis. These sleeves can used for archiving and food or other uses.

All our sleeves are made form virgin high grade plastic as virgin high grade plastic poylthene can be recycled after use, as cheaper already recycled plastic record sleeves may not be.

All are sleeves are strong & long lasting, acid-free and are made without any softeners or additives that may affect your record sleeves. As record sleeves that have softeners will effects your record sleeves over time.

These can fit some of your larger outer record sleeves.

Size is 190mm x 190mm

Benefits: plastic outer record sleeves

All our plastic outer record sleeves are made from Primary high grade plastic polythene which can be recycled after use, as cheaper recycled plastic record sleeves may not be.

Dimensions 190 mm to opening x 190 mm

our expearance shows us that the outer sleeves will accommodate single, double and most gatefold 45 record sleeves.

.All our sleeves are strong & long lasting, acid-free and made without softeners or additives. Record sleeves that have softeners or additives will affect your record single covers over time.

You can trust that our plastic outer record sleeves will not stick to your outer single cover and are sunlight resistant which protects against scuffs, dirt, moisture and scratches. Polythene sleeves are better at controlling static and are also inert.

U.K Manufactured

Not the PVC rigid type

Film Strengths:

450 gauge 112.5 Microns 0.45mil.

Our Single record sleeves are great for shops, record dealers, collectors as we use them our self, and are archival safe.

For Protection:

These plastic record sleeves is a safe investment for your singles and suitable for long term storage.

While the inner sleeve is the most important for the actual vinyl record, you must protect the valuable artwork on the outer cardboard single covers with an outer poly sleeve. If you don’t, you will quickly get scratches and scuff marks or even tears on that beautiful artwork.

Our clients include, The BBC ( Eastenders Props, and Archive Departments ), Warner Brother Records, Cherry Red Records, Polydor Records, Sony and universities.



Weight 0.75 kg
Dimensions 26 × 25 × 2 cm


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